My Fakémon

This side is about pokémon I've created.

Normal Pokémon (Not normal type)

Legendary Pokémon

Kockona is a remake of latias and it's name is diffrent spooken then what you think, cause I'm from sweden and there is the spooken language diffrent.
Pokémon: Kockona 
Type: Fairy/Flying
Gender: Female
Species: Love Pokémon

Moves: Abosorb, acrobatics, aerial ace, aeroblast, air cutter, air slash, aqua jet, aqua tail, aura sphere, aurora beam, bite, blast burn, blizzard, blue flare, body slam, bolt strike, brave bird, bubble beam, bullet seed, charge beam, charm, cruch, crush claw, defog, dig, discharge, double slap, double team, draco meteor, dragon breath, dragon claw, dragon rage, dragon rush, dragon tail, draining kiss, electro ball, energy ball, fairy wind, fire blast, fire fang, flamethrower, fly, fury attack, fury cutter, fury swipes, giga drain, hydro pump, hyper beam, ice ball, ice beam, ice fang, iron tail, leaf blade, leaf storm, magical leaf, mega drain, metal claw, metronome, mist ball, moonblast, moonlight, night slash, oblivion wing, perish song, protect, quick attack, tackle, razor wind, recover, shadow claw, silver wind, sky attack, sky drop, solar beam, sweet kiss, thunder bolt, twister, swift and wing attack.

(I know she's gotten many moves but come on! She's a legendary Fakémon!)

About: Kockona is the pokémon called The Guardian Of Love.
She was created of Arceus when the world was as darkest it ever been but when she was created, she brought back the light to the world by bringing happiness. 
It's antennas on it's head signals if someone is close and with them she could sense anyones feelings if they are in normal mode, happy, sad, angry, mad and more and the antennas sends even out mod like when she's happy it signals that out and most people who feels it get on the same mod as her, and if she's sad the most people feel it too.

Personality: She's gentle, friendly and playfully. She loves exploring and playing. 

                      Kockone is a remake of Latios and is Kockona's big brother.
                                        Pokémon: Kockone
                                    Type: Flying/Dragon
                                      Gender: Male
                                        Species: Luck Pokémon
Moves: Aerial ace, aeroblast, air cutter, air slash, aqua jet, aqua ring, aqua tail, aura sphere, aurora beam, bite, blue flare, body slam, bolt strike, brave bird, bubble beam, charge beam, close combat, crunch, crush claw, dark pulse, defog, dig, discharge, dive, double slap, double team, draco meteor, dragon breath, dragon claw, dragon rush, dragon tail, electro ball, fire fang, fire blast, fire punch, fire spin, flame burst, flame charge, flame wheel, flamethrower, flare blitz, flash, flash cannon, fly, frost breath, fury swipes, future sight, giga drain, gust, hydro pump, hyper beam, ice ball, ice beam, ice fang, iron tail, leaf blade, leaf storm, mega drain, metal claw, metronome, night slash, oblivion wing, quick attack, razor wind, recover, sacred fire, shadow claw, shadow punch, shadow ball, sky attack, sky drop, solar beam, swift, thunder, thunder fang, wing attack and zen headbutt.

(I know he's gotten many moves but come on! He's a legendary Fakémon!)

About: Kockone is called The Guardian Of Luck.
He was created by Arceus when the world only could be unlucky.
He brought the luck to the world so people and pokémons could get more destinys than just the unlucky destiny.
The antennas sends out luck to whoever who's close.

Personality: He's brave, loyal and intelegent. He always keeps an eye on his little sister.

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