Sakura's Pokémon/Team!

This side is about Sakura's pokémon!
If or I think when I make a serie with Sakura then the pokémon  I show here will be gotten and if it's an evelution of any pokémon then it she/Alice maybe catch it as the pre-evolved form and then it will elvove!

And right Sakura is gonna have two begginer pokémon.
PS: I have "NOT" created the pictures.
This is pokémon before and after caught, wich means I've already planned on wich pokémon Sakura will get.
PS(Again): Just because it's writen for example "Kanto Pokémons" does that no mean that Sakura caught it in kanto just that it's from kanto. Just to know.

First pokémon!

Name: Sally
Gender: Female 
Pokémon: Espeon (Will evolve from eevee.) 
Type: Psychic.

Moves/Attacks: Tackle, quick attack, confusion, helping hand, swift, psybeam, future sight, psychic, bite, charm, take down, hyper beam, light screen, protect, dig, shadow ball, attract, flash and double team

About: She's very adventurous and is Sakura's first pokémon.
She washes her fur every single day but it pays of! Her fur is so soft. 

Name: Star
Gender: Male
Pokémon: Umbreon (Will evolve from eevee.)
Type: Dark

Moves/Attacks: Tackle, pursuit, quick attack, feint attack, moonlight, take down, swift, hyper beam, protect, dig, shadow ball, attract, flash, dark pulse and shadow claw.

About: He's loyal and brave and is Sally's big brother.
He's tough and is always there for his little sister(Sally).

Kanto pokémon!

Name: Thunder
Gender: Male
Pokémon: Pikachu
Type: Electric

Moves/Attacks: Thunder shock, quick attack, growl, thunder wave, electro ball, double team, slame, thunderbolt, discharge, light screen, protect, dig, charge beam, flash, volt tackle and iron tail.

About: He's very serious and is the leader of the team or atleast as pokemon.
He's watching over the other pokemon's of the team when Melody not is there.

Name: Rachel
Gender: Female
Pokémon: Raichu 
Type: Electirc

Moves: Thunder shock, thunder bolt, quick attack, charm, discharge, double team, electro ball, slam, sweet kiss, thunder, thunder wave, hyper beam, protect, dig, attract, charge beam, flash, volt switch, wild charge, rock smash, charge, double slap, thunder punch, volt tackle, iron tail and thunder fang.

About: She's very special because she's a girl but she looks like a boy, because a boy looks like this
But a girl looks like this.

Well enough about that, now come personality.
She's brave and loyal but could be abit shy.
She loves playing and even compete with Thunder who has the most electricity and ofcourse she wins because she's his evolved form.

Name: Wingla
Gender: Female
Pokémon: Pidgeot
Type: Flying

Moves/Attacks: Gust, tackle, quick attack, hurriance, twister, wing attack, air slash, air cutter, defog, steel wing, double team, aerial ace, giga impact, hyper beam and protect.

About: She's very brave and if she sees something unfair she tryes to make it fair.
Often when Melody let's her pokémon out to play then she (Wingla) often trains on her flying skill.

Name: Flame
Gender: Female
Pokémon: Charmander
Type: Fire

Moves/Attacks: Scratch, growl, smokescreen, ember, dragon rage, fire fang, flame burst, slash, flamethrower, fire spin, inferno, dragon claw, shadow claw, air cutter, bite, dragon rush, focus punch and metal claw.

About: She's easily scared and ever cares about her tail.
She loves playing with her friends.
She were actually a champion pokémon and that's because she's gotten of so many moves but after the years after her trainer abandon her she forgot how good she was in battle and then when Sakura got her she is like a lv 5 pokémon just that knowing plenty of good moves.

Name: Seedy
Gender: Male
Pokémon: Bulbasaur
Type: Grass

Moves/Attacks: Tackle, vine whip, take down, razor leaf, solar beam, leaf storm, magical leaf, energy ball and protect.

About: Seedy is very brave and often defends defenseless pokémons!
He often needs to help Flame with to be brave.


Name: Saphire
Gender: Female
Pokémon: Lapras
Type: Water

Moves/Attacks: Growl, sing, water gun, mist, ice shard, water pulse, body slam, rain dance, perish song, ice beam, safeguard, hydro pump, hidden power, hyper beam, blizzard, protect, thunderbolt, psychic, attract, whirlpool and dragon pulse.

About: She's very loyal and kind.
She's very friendly and could communicate with "ALMOST" every human and pokémon.

Name: Flower
Gender: Female
Pokémon: Shiny Butterfree
Type: Bug/Flying

Moves: Confusion, poison powder, stun spore, sleep powder, gust, supersonic, psybeam, silver wind, toxic, hyper beam, protect, safeguard, solar beam, psychic, shadow ball, double team, aerial ace, attract, energy ball, acrobatics, flash, tackle, string shot and bug bite.

About: She's playful but careful.
She thinks adventuring and exploring is dangerous (wich it actually is.). 

 Jhoto pokémon!


Name: Flare
Gender: Female
Pokémon: Quilava
Type: Fire

Moves/Attacks: Tackle, smokescreen, ember, quick attack, flame wheel, swift, flame charge, flamethrower, fire blast, crush claw and fury swipes. 

About: She's very shy and is easily scared.
If she gets scared she often lays down on belly, curls around and lies there.

Name: Flower
Gender: Female
Pokémon: Chikorita
Type: Grass

Moves/Attacks: Tackle, razor leaf, magical leaf, sweet scent, light screen, body slam, safeguard, solar beam, protect, double team, attract, energy ball, leaf storm and vine whip.

About: She's very very adventurous and brave and jumps around in rage if she lose a battle or a event or a race.

Name: Fang
Gender: Male
Pokémon: Totodile
Type: Water

Moves/Attacks: Scratch, water gun, bite, ice fang, scary face, crunch, slash, aqua tail, hydro pump, dragon claw, ice beam, aqua jet and water pulse.

About: He could just sometimes go crazy and be totaly unstopable. He loves the water as is understandable because he's a water pokémon.

Hoenn pokémon!

Name: Feather
Gender: Male
Pokémon: Swellow
Type: Flying

Moves/Attacks: Peck, quick attack, air slash, wing attack, double team, aerial ace, steel wing, giga impact, brave bird, defog and sky attack.

About: He's a cool and hard impressed swellow that mostly likes to just soft.
Because he's cool he dosen't take dangers such serious and is very hard scared but sometimes he's scared.

Name: Leaf
Gender: Male
Pokémon: Grovyle
Type: Grass

Moves/Attacks: Pound, absorb, quick attack, fury cutter, leaf blade, slam, leaf storm, protect, energy ball, giga drain, bullet seed, dragon breath, double kick, magical leaf and razor wind.

About: He often takes it cool but if another male grovyle is nearby is he often wanted to show who's boss.
He mostly softs in trees when Melody sends her pokémon out to play.

Name: Splash
Gender: Male
Pokémon: Baby Mudkip
Type: Water

Moves/Attacks: Tackle and water gun.

About: He's just a baby so he loves to explore new things and playing.

Sinnoh pokémon!

Name: Alicia
Gender: Female
Pokémon: Milotic
Type: Water

Moves/Attacks: Water gun, water pulse, twister, recover, aqua tail, hydro pump, attract, safeguard, ice beam, blizzard, protect, light screen, rain dance, dragon tail, dragon breath, dragon pulse and iron tail.

About: She's every single time trying to be so elegant as could be.
She's kind and really beautyful and have no problems with showing herself up.


Name: Moon
Gender: Female
Pokémon: Mightyena

Moves: Tackle, bite, crunch, howl, scary face, take down, hyper beam, shadow ball, double team, fire fang, ice fang, thunder fang and shadow claw.

About: She's loyal and most energetic at night.
She likes howling to the moon comunicating with other Mightyenas and Pochyenas.

Name: Thundra
Gender: Female
Pokémon: Shiny Pachirisu
Type: Electric

Moves/Attacks: Attract, quick attack, discharge, spark, tackle and bite.

About: She's very curios and loves exploring.
She loves to eat and she loves the diffrent beetwen her and other pachurisus.

Name: Thundery
Gender: Male
Pokémon: Pachirisu

Moves/Attacks: Attract, quick attack, thunder bolt, spark, tackle and bite.

About: He's the big brother of Thundra and loves playing with her and often defends her.
He's unlike his sister and is not such curios and thinks it's dangerous to explore when not trainer is nearby.

                            Unova pokémon!

                                              Name: Lilly
                                              Gender: Female
                                             Pokémon: Snivy
                                              Type: Grass
Moves/Attacks: Tackle, vine whip, leaf tornado, mega drain, slam, leaf blade, giga drain, leaf storm, protect, solar beam, energy ball, iron tail and twister.
About: She's very cool but serious.
She ever tryes to make the best of the situation and takes it easy.
She's very fast because you know, she's a snivy.

Name: Shelly
Gender: Male
Pokémon: Oshawott
Type: Water

Moves/Attacks: Tackle, water gun, razor shell, fury cutter, water pulse, aqua jet, hydro pump, cut, ice beam, double team, X-scissor, air slash and night slash.

About: He's  very careful when it comes to his shell.
He's clumsy on ground but when he's in the water then he's like a small rocket.

Name: Electra
Gender: Female
Pokémon: Emolga
Type: Electric

Moves/Attacks: Thunder shock, quick attack, charge, spark, electro ball, acrobatics, light screen, discharge, thunder, thunderbolt, aerial ace, attract, charge beam, flash, charm and iron tail.

About: She loves eating but the thing she loves most is playing with her friends!
She likes training both battling and flying.

Name: Stella
Gender: Female
Pokémon: Shiny Mienshao
Type: Fighting

Moves/Attacks: Pound, aura sphere, fake out, double slap, swift, drain punch, jump kick, bounce, high jump kick, protect, hyper beam, dig, double team, attract, focus blast, acrobatics, power up punch.

About: She's very elegant both just anytime and both in battle.
Just sometimes she cares about the diffrent look from other mienshaos.

Braviary artwork by Ken Sugimori
Name: Tornado
Gender: Male
Pokémon: Braviary
Type: Flying

Moves: Wing attack, fury attack, peck, brave bird, aerial ace, slash, defog, shadow claw, sky drop, steel wing, air slash and hyper beam.

About: He's abit shy because he hasn't such many scars yet so he thinks that he dosen't have any respect of the others but com on! He's a big eagle!

Name: Luna
Gender: Female
Pokémon: Shiny Zoroark (Will evolve from zorua.)
Type: Dark

Moves: Scratch, pursuit, night daze, fury swipes, feint attack, scary face, night slash, hyper beam, dig, shadow ball, double team, flamethrower, focus blast, shadow claw and dark pulse.

About: Luna is a aggresive pokémon that loves battling.
If she ever loses a battle she becomes ashamed.

Name: Dundra
Gender: Female
Pokémon: Deerling
Type: Normal/Grass

Moves: Tackle, double kick, feint attack, jump kick, take down, energy ball, charm, solar beam, attract and quick attack.

About: She's adventurous but is easy scared.
Her jumps are high and don't even think about challenging her on a speed race.

Name: Sessa
Gender: Female
Pokémon: Liepard
Type: Dark

Moves: Scratch, growl, fury swipes, pursuit, fake out, slash, night slash, hyper beam, protect, shadow ball, aerial ace, attract, charm and dark pulse.

About: She's fast, elegant and flexible and ever lands on her paws.
She's like Sally with the fur washing, Sessa's fur is almost as soft as Sally's.

Kalos pokémon!

Name: Talona
Gender: Female
Pokémon: Talonflame
Type: Fire/flying

Moves/Attacks: Peck, wing attack, quick attack, flare blitz, steel wing, flame charge, razor wind, hyper beam, aerial ace, fire blast, giga impact, solar beam and Will-O-Wisp.

About: She's really cool and sometimes just soft.
She dosen't spend such much time to play but she loves training her battling skill and loves training her flying skill.

Name: Eletric
Gender: Male
Pokémon: Heliolisk
Type: Electric

Moves/Attacks: Razor wind, thunder, quick attack, thunderbolt, double team and charge beam.

About: He's very energetic and when he's uploaded and ready to fight he sparkles alot and if you come close you'll feel the energy.

Name: Rosie
Gender: Female
Pokémon: Fennekin
Type: Fire

Moves: Ember, tackle, bite, scratch, flame charge, psybeam and fire spin.

About: She's very loyal and she loves being brushed.
She's very fast and very flexible.

Name: Nut
Gender: Male
Pokémon: Chespin
Type: Grass

Moves: Tackle, vine whip, pin missile, bite and take down.

About: He has very good humor even if I can't understand what he says I atleast see the other in the team laugh.
He loves playing and eating...

Name: Tessa
Gender: Female
Pokémon: Furfrou
Type: Normal

Moves: Tackle, growl, bite, take down, protect, dig, double team, attract, giga impact, charge beam and dark pulse.

About: She's loyal and friendly.
She loves playing but also softing.

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